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We provide world-leading English Language Teaching

Direct English is part of The Linguaphone Group; a pioneering English Language Teaching provider that’s led the market for over 115 years. By signing up for a course at one of our international training centers, you will join the thousands of students and professionals who have learned a valuable skill with Direct English. We’ll teach you how to use English practically in everyday life, and give you the chance to earn a globally recognized Business English qualification.

We offer nine distinct course options – more than any other English Language Teaching provider–to ensure you can find the course that’s right for your needs.

Whether you’re preparing for future employment, have just started a new job, are looking for that promotion or want to bring new language skills to a pre-existing team, Direct English has an option for you.


    How do the Council of Europe levels relate to Direct English?

    Many courses in English owe a direct or indirect dept to the Council of Europe syllabuses, Waystage, Threshold, Effective Proficiency, etc. That is why Direct English takes full account of these specifications and the levels adopted in our courses can be related to the Council of Europe’s.

    • Choose a flexible course that fits around professional and personal commitments.

    • Learn English for professional use, practical or conversational purposes.

    • Learn how to speak English with confidence.

    • Gain access to online learning resources in England.

    • Meet industry professionals and leading academics.

    • Benefit from high-quality English Language teaching.

    • Practice what you've learned with the Direct English social media programs


    Academic approach and learning

    Direct English reflects the latest thinking in language learning. Some language courses claim to be studying the language in very short periods of time. You can learn a lot in a relatively short period of time, but you can hardly understand anything.

    Each student needs long hours of exposure to a new language before making sure they understand. Direct English ensures that students learn:

    Understanding of true English, speaking at normal speed, straight from the start
    Speak English at well-defined stages, from simple transactions and continuing to be fully conversational
    Read, write and understand English with increasing confidence


    Placement test

    Before registering for an English language course, it is useful to have an idea of ​​the English language level. Students can get a more comprehensive assessment of their English language abilities in less than 15 minutes.

    A placement test is offered to each new student, as well as an illustrative conversation with the Direct English Center, which helps determine the student’s language level, according to the common European reference framework.

    English Language Degrees
    What is the Council of Europe?
    The Council of Europe is an organization of representatives of more than 40 European countries. The organization aims to protect human rights, promote European unity, and deal with a variety of social and economic issues facing European countries. In 1971, the Council of Europe, including Louis Alexander, author of the Direct English Book and member of the Council of Europe, launched the Modern Language Project in order to define the basic need for adequate social interaction in a foreign language.

    How do Council of Europe levels relate to direct English?
    Many English courses owe a direct or indirect section to Council of Europe curricula, Waystage, threshold, effective proficiency, etc. This is why Direct English takes full account of these specifications, and the levels accredited in our courses can be linked to the Council from Europe.


    How is student progress measured?

    DE’s student progress is measured by a mixture of self-evaluation exercises, teacher observation and combined with a more formal progression test conducted on our computerized tests. The results will be captured on the LMS and the central customer tracking software.

    Attendance is recorded on the central customer tracking program.

    Direct English also has an international relationship with Cambridge Evaluation to introduce the BULATS test at our examination centers.

    We encourage students to practice communicating in English from the first possible stage, and to work on anticipating any questions about specific aspects of the course.

    Learning materials

    We have developed an advanced set of interactive educational materials to help you participate in your studies.

    Many of our materials are stored on the Learn English Student Portal – Direct English Online – enabling you to practice your English whenever and wherever you want.

    Study guide:
    Starting point
    Enables efficient translation
    Facilitates self-study

    Course Book:
    only English
    Study axis – one for each level
    9 units for each level
    The lessons are divided into main parts

    Usually bilingual
    Comment on the course book lessons
    Detailed language explanations for both languages
    Language study and practice pages
    Self-test for each unit


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    Talk to our team to explore your business potential.

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